Monday, February 14, 2011

Thoughts of a hopeless romantic! ♥

Thoughts of a hopeless romantic! ♥
By April W.

Everyone has one guilty pleasure. I have many. But I think my biggest is a bowl of Lucky Charms, no milk. I don't know why but it always gets me. I love them. So I have made my choice on what to do when Valentine's Day rolls around. I am going to curl up under a nice warm and fuzzy quilted blanket with about the most unhealthy meal I could choose (Lucky Charms and Hot Chocolate with extra marshmallows) and my favourite chick flick, Ella Enchanted.

You want to know something weird about me? I have my entire wedding planned out. Yes, that is what I just wrote. I have my entire wedding planned out. Most find me weird because of that. I tell them and then add that there is still one little detail that I have to think over. They always look at me for a second before they say anything. They always ask what part. I always answer, "The Guy" They seem to understand after that.

Thinking about that little quirk of my personality makes me think about my future. I wonder who I'll marry. It says in the bible that we are God's brides. We are married to him and He loves us more than we could ever know. So this Valentine's Day I think I will try writing a Valentine's card. No, make that two. One for my husband in Heaven and one for the man down here on Earth who will one day love me. I'll just have to give it to him on our wedding night. God will get his the day that I go up to spend my honeymoon with him.


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